
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TankProbe
Physical Name : AS_PBE_TNK

A device that is housed in the Tank and periodically (or on demand) returns height (and/or volume) readings to the TankLevelGuage to which it is connected.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
BusinessUnitID (FK)(PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer Tank(LO_TNK)
TankID (FK)(PK) A unique identifier for this Tank ID_TNK Identity integer Tank(LO_TNK)
TankProbeID (PK) A system assigned unique identifier for the TankProbe ID_PBE_TNK Identity integer
EquipmentID (FK) The fixed asset number assigned by the retailer for this particular piece of equipment. ID_EQ Identity integer Equipment(AS_EQ)
UnitOfMeasureCode (FK) The code used to specify the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken. This code relates to the UCC data element 355. CD_UOM Code varchar(20) UnitOfMeasure(CO_UOM)
TypeCode A manufacturer specific ID that specifies the type of probe that is installed. TY_TNK_PBE Code4 char(4)
TankTiltOffset The height offset that should be added to the measured fuel and water heights to account for the fact that the TankProbe is not installed in the centre of the Tank. QL_OFST_TNK Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Equipment is a TankProbe
UnitOfMeasure defines counting units for TankProbe
Tank has TankProbe
TankProbe records TankReading

Logical Views containing TankProbe

Logical View
Logical 06400 - Store Equipment View
Logical 20000 - Forecourt Macro View
Logical 20050 - Forecourt Tank Gauge View